D-system process workflow
Propose [Mainly driven by the UX community, but others can contribute too]
Idea about some particular pattern or experience
It should include:
Proposed UI/UX look and feel - Figma and Prototyping tool
Cover accessibility pattern
Provide context and examples of where it is or plan to use
Consider support for theming white-label apps
Present it at the weekly UX community forum for reviews and feedback (By a UX team member)
Get review and feedback from the product (By a UX team member)
Create a spec discussion on the base discussion forum and present it to all the engineers and developers via the Specification review meeting. (By UX/Engineering community)
Inform the system working group members via the Slack by automating the new proposal discussions to appear and manually reminding them about the new proposal for wider audience reach (By UX/Engineering community)
Design [By the UX community]
Add the final design specifications to the style guide/documentation (non-technical documentation that should be accessible to anyone within the company)
Add it to Figma files - add labels or similar on the finalised specification for the UX designers
Close the system-base proposal/spec discussion with an explanation about the wider agreement and all the necessary links attached
Implementation [By the Engineering community]
Collaborate with the UX member to understand the engineering requirements, and draft the JIRA ticket with all the information and links from the agreed design specs
Follow our existing ways of working to move the JIRA ticket across different stages before pulling into the sprint
Review the implementation with the UX member before publishing the package, and also if we are rolling it out to production via any web application
Documentation [By UX/Engineering community]
Contribute to the existing style guide/documentation with technical details on the allocated section
Add Storybook and GitHub repo readme links on the technical usage section of the corresponding components and patterns
Design Jira Board
Since we can't create a separate board for Design, it uses the same names column that engineering board. This is an explanation of how Design board works:
1. To Do
Next component that Design is going to work on
2. In Progress
Component that Design is working on
3. Code Review
Waiting for UX review
4. QA
Approved by UX community, waiting for engineers review
5. Ready for release
Approved by both UX and engineers community, ready to be pick up by BA
6. Done